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Monday, October 11, 2010



Oh, why did you go away like that?
Leaving me alone, desolate.
You said you would keep in touch
And now, quite easily, your words you ate.

You were going away, to another town,
And I was most unhappy,
And you consoled me by saying you’d write
And reply before I could say “snappy”.

What is wrong, why treat me so?
Have you got new friends with whom to get along?
While I am alone, despondent and abandoned,
Writing a silly lost friendship song.

Where are you now, when I need you the most?
Oh dear friend, after the losses I have incurred?
Has it ever struck you that I still exist?
Tell me, has it even once occurred?

Oh, why, dear friend, did you make a promise –
A promise that you knew you wouldn’t keep
Giving me high hopes of eternal amity
And then deserting me, isolated, to weep?

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