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Friday, March 4, 2011


            Pursuant to section 12 of Republic Act No. 9163 otherwise known as the National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001, the commission on Higher Education (CHED) , the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and Department of National Defense (DND) , in consultation with concerned government agencies , the Philippine Association of State universities and Colleges (PASUC) , Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations of the Philippines (COCOPEA) , Non- Government Organization (NGOs) and recognized student organizations, hereby jointly issue, adapt and promulgate the following implementing rules and regulations in implement the provisions of the Act.

Rule I

Section  1.       Guiding Principles. While it is the prime duty of the government to serve and protect its citizens, in turn it shall be the responsibility of all citizens to defend the security and promote the general welfare of the State , and in fulfillment thereof , the government may require each citizens to render personal military or civil service.

Section 2.        Role of the Youth

A.      In recognition of the vital role of the youth in nation building, the State shall promote civic consciousness among them and shall develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well- being. It shall inculcate the ideals of patriotism, nationalism, and advance their involvement in public and civic affairs

B.      As the most valuable resource of the nation, they shall be motivated, trained, organized and involved in military, literacy, civic welfare programs and other similar endeavors in the service of the nation.


Section 3.        As used in this Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), the following terms shall mean:
A.  “National Service training Program” (NSTP) – refers to the program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth, by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of the three (3) Program components, specifically designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare;

B. “Reserve Officers’ Training Corps” (ROTC)-  refers to the Program component, institutionalized under Section 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077 , designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order ro motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness;

C. “Literacy Training Service” (LTS)­­- refers to the Program component designed to train the students to teach literacy  and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youths and other segments of society in need of their services.

D. “Civic Welfare Training Service”( CWTS) – refers to the Program component or activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry and other social welfare services.

E. “Program Component”- refers to the service components of NSTP as defined herein;

F. “ Clustering” – refers to the grouping of students enrolled to different schools and taking up the NSTP component into one (1) group under the management and supervision of a designated school.

G. “Cross Enrollment”- refers to a system of enrollment were a student is officially enrolled in an academic program of an origin school but is alloed to enroll in the NSTP component of another accepting school: and

H. “Non-Governmrnt Organization” (NGO) – refers to any private organization duly accredited by CHED or recognized by TESDA.

Rule III

Section 4. Coverage

                        Section 4. Coverage

                        a. All incoming first year student, male and female, starting School Year
                            (SY) 2002-2003, enrolled in any baccalaureate and in at least two (2)
                            year technical-vocational or associate courses, are required to complete
                            one (1) NSTP component of their choice, as a graduation requirements.
                        The above provision, however, does not cover the following:

                                    a.1 Students who finished or graduated from a baccalaureate                                         degree or twoyear technical-vocational or associate course and                                         pursuing or enrolled in another or additional baccalaureate degree                                        or two-year technical-vocational or associate course in SY 2003-                                             2004, and ;
                                    a.2 Students who completed any of the three NSTP components                                               but considered freshmen to the course where they transferred or                                          shifted.
                                    a.3 Foreign students or aliens
                        b. All higher and technical- vocational education institutions must offer at                                    least one (1) of the NSTP components

                        c. State Universities and Colleges (SUCS), shall offer the ROTC                                               component and at least one (1) other NSTP component.
                        d. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA), Philippine Merchant Marine                                   Academy (PMMA), and Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA)                             are exempted from NSTP in view of the special character of these                                              institutions. Other State Universities and Colleges of similar nature will be              exempted subject to approval of the Department of National Defense.

                        e. Private higher and technical-vocational education institutions with at                           least 350 students cadets, may offer the ROTC component and                                         consequently establish/maintain a Department of Military Science and                             Tactics (DMST), subject to existing rules and regulations of the Armed                          Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
Section 5
            a. The NSTP shall have the following components which the students can          choose from as defined in Rule II, Section 3 hereof: The Reserve Officers             Training Corps, Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Civic Armed Training Service (CWTS).

            b. All program components, the ROTC in particular, shall have give    emphasis on citizenship training and shall have instill patriotism, moral           virtues, respect for the rights of civilians and adherence to the constitution.

c.The CHED, TESDA in the consultation with the DND, and COCOPEA and other concerned government agencies, may design and implement such other non-military training components as may be necessary in consonance with the provisions of R.A 9163.

            d. Within thirty (30) days from the approval of this revised IRR, the       CHED, TESDA, and DND shall jointly issue the minimum standards for the three NSTP components which shall form part of these guidelines.

Section 6

            a. Each of the aforementioned NSTP components shall be undertaken for          an academic period of two (2) semesters. It shall be credited for three (3)   units per semester, for fifty-four (54) to ninety (90) training hours per             semester.

            b. A One (1) Summer Program (OSP) in lieu of the two (2) semester    program maybe designed, formulated and adopted by the DND, CHED    and TESDA, subject to the capability of the school and the AFP to handle the same.

            c. Earned NSTP units shall not be included in the computation of Grade             Point Average (GPA) grades of college graduating students.

Section 7

            a. Clustering of students from different education institutions during        semestral or summer periods may be done for any of the NSTP    component, taking into account logistics, branch of service and geographical locations. The most school shall be responsible in managing       the Program.

            b. Schools that do not meet the required number of the students to         maintain the optional ROTC and any of the NSTP components, or do not      offer the component chosen by the students, shall allow their students to             cross-enroll to other schools, irrespective or whether such school is under          CHED or TESDA; and in the case of students taking the ROTC    component, irrespective of whether the two semester shall be taken from             different schools whose ROTC are administered/managed by different   branches of service of the AFP>

            c. Students intending to cross-enroll shall be subject to the existing rules             and regulations of the school of origin and the accepting school.

Section 8.        Monitoring and Evaluation

                      A. Management

1.      The school authorities shall exercise academic and administrative  supervision over the design, formulation, adoption and implementation of the different NSTP components in their respective school.

2.      There should be an NSTP office in each school
college/university headed by an NSTP Director or its equivalent
position responsible for the implementation of the Program. Each
position of the NSTP components is consider a district and/or      separate unit under the NSTP office, and the head of the unit shall
report directly to the NSTP Director or its equivalent position.
3.A functional chart of the NSTP Office shall be structured based on                                  the capability of the institution to sustain the component program                                  being offered based on the number of enrollees.

4.  In the case of ROTC, the school authorities and DND, subject to the policies, regulations and programs of DND on the military component of the training, shall exercise joint supervision over its implementation.
                                5. Schools which have contracted CHED-accrediated or  TESDA-
                                    Recognized NGOs to formulate and administer training module
For any of the NSTp compoinents shall jointly exercise such  academic and administrative supervision with those NGOs. Within
forty-five (45) days from approval and issuance of this IRR, the CHED, TESDA and DND shall issue the necessary guidelines for the accreditation of non-government organization (NGOs) and training modules to be utilized by those NGOs.
B. Monitoring
1.   CHED Regional Offices, TESDA Provincial/District Offices and
DNDAFP (through the Major Service Reserve Coomands), shall oversee and monitor the implementaion of the NSTP under their respective jurisdiction, to determine if the trainings conducted are in consonance with the act. These Sub offices shall submi9t periodic reports to the Central Offices of CHED, TESDA and DND.

                              2.   CHED deputized officials shall coordinate and conduct spot visits                                                                to actual NSTP activities.
                              3.   At the end of every school year the Higher Eduaction Institute                                                    shall submit an Annual Report to the CHED regional office copy                                                       furnished the Office of  Student Services in electronic template,                                                             indicating the following:
3.1    names who finished under each NSTP component
3.2    the programs, projects and activities undertaken with pictorials and documentaion as much as possible.
3.3     financial statements on the funds collected, allocated and utilized.

                                               The annual report on NSTP by the university or college
                                     shall be made available to faculty, students and the general publi
                                     in the NSTP Office.
                                               In regions with universities and colleges having two or more
                                     campuses, the university concerned shall consilidate the report
                                     before submission of CHED Regional Offices.
                              4.   In case of violations of guidelines,warnings and/or sanctions may                                                be imposed to schools and accredited NGOs that disregarded or                                       grossly violated the provisions of this implementing rules and                          regulations.

Rule IV
Section 9. Fees

                     a.  No fees shall be collected for any of the NSTP components except basic                                                      tuition which should not be more than fifty percent (50%) of the charges                                        of the school per academic unit. NSTP tuition collected shall constitute a                                 Trust Fund, shall be exclusively used for the operation of the Program.
                     b.   NSTP funds derived from NSTP- related operations shall serve as                                                  augmentation to sustain un-programmed activities of NSTP.

c.   The unexpended fund balance shall be carried over to the next semester;   provided, however,NSTP  funds shall not be converted into savings at the expense of the proper implementation of the program.

d.Subsidies from the government, any legal agency or institution appropriated for NSTP shall be included in the preparation of the program of expenditure and report on the utilization of funds.

e.   Expenditure/disbursement shall be subjected to periodic audits by the proper school authorities and concerned NSTP officers.

f.     The NSTP Director or is equivalent shall submit a comprehensive report on the utilization of the NSTP Funds by program component to the school head, two weeks after the end of every semester.

g.   Rental space of school and other similar expenses shall not be charged to NSTP.

Section 10. Incentive, Insurance and Protection
A.     Incentives

1.      A program of assistance for ROTC students shall be provided and administered by DND, in accordance with existing laws and regulations and subject to the availability of funds.

2.   A Special Scholarship Program and other forms of assistance and
       Incentives for qualified NSTP students shall be administered by
       CHED and TESDA, with funds for the purpose to be included in the
       annual regular appropriations of the two agencies, subject to the
       availability of funds.

3.   The college or university may provide scholarship and other forms of
Assistance and incentives to qualified and deserving NSTP students, the funding of which shall come from available NSTP funds of the school.
4.      Personal involved in the NSTP shall be provided honorarium and other
Incentives bases on the standard policy set forth by the HEIs.
B.     Insurance and Protection

1.      School authorities concerned, CHED and TESDA shall ensure that the
health and accident group insurances are provided for students enrolled in any of the NSTP components.
2.      Schools that already provide health and accident group insurance and
collect the necessary fees for the purpose from their students as of the effectivity of this Rules, are deemed to have complied with this requirement.


 Section 11. Organization of NSTP Graduates
a.       Graduates of the non-ROTC components of the NSTP shall belong to     the National Training Service Reserve Corps (NSPC) and could be tapped by the State for literacy and civic welfare activities, especially in times of calamities through the joint efforts of DND, CHED, and TESDA, in the coordination with DILG, DSWD and other concerned agencies/associations.

b.      The CHED, TESDA and DND, in consultation with other concerned government and non-government agencies, shall issue the necessary guidelines for the establishment, organization, maintenance and utilization of the National Service Reserve Corps.

c.       Graduates of the ROTC program shall form part of the Citizen Armed force pursuant to R.A 7077, subject to the requirements of DND.

Rule VI

Section 12. Certificate of Completion. Certificate of Completion with corresponding                     serial number issued by CHED, TESDA or DND, shall be awarded to                                  students who have successfully complied with the program requirements.

Section 13.  Information Dissemination. The CHED, TESDA and DND shall provide                              information of these Act and IRR to all concerned publics through different                          modes of disseminating information.

Section 14. Amendatory Clause
a.       Section 35 of the Commonwealth act No. 1, Executive Order No. 207 of1939, Section 2 and 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1706, and section 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077, as well as all laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations and other issuances inconsistent with the provisions of the Act are hereby deemed amended and modified accordingly.

b.      This Rules may be amended, modified, or replaced by CHED, TESDA and DND, in consultation with PASUC, COCOPEA, NGOs and recognized student organizations.

Section 15. Separability Clause. If any section or provisions of this IRR shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid, other sections or provisions not affected thereby shall
            Remain in full force and effect.

Section 16. Effectivity. This rules shall take effect 15 days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation and shall remain in force and effect until revoked or amended.

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